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Reflection and Transcendence of Educational Cynicism

Aauthor: Sun, Dec 25 2022 09:04 PM Click:[] Editor: [赵梓名]


Journal of Educational Studies. 2022,18(06)

Cynicism has experienced a long development process from its inception to now. With the changes of the times and social development, its connotation has become extremely complex and has penetrated into various social fields including education. Cynicism is double-sided, and its negative performance includes decadent, indifferent and false, and vulgar and despicable. It debases the spirit of education, erodes the authenticity of education, and makes the educational value dimensions full of confrontation and contradiction, thus alienating the educational energy from the depth. At the same time, we should pay attention to the positive aspect of cynicism, which contains alternative educational wisdom, reflecting the pursuit of another kind of truth and morality, life and education way. In order to eliminate the problems of cynicism, we should reconstruct the educational spirit, educational conscience and courage; reaffirming the quality of development and focusing on the implementation and coherence of school education; paying attention to the essence of growth, the pursuit of educational purity and simplicity.

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