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Our school's "exemplary individual · May Day Labor Medal Winner" studio and the Public Pedagogy Teaching and Research Office jointly held a collective lesson preparation meeting for the course ‘Foundation of Education’.

Aauthor: Tue, Sep 26 2023 08:32 PM Click:[] Editor: [黄韵晨]

On 14th July, our school's "exemplary individual · May Day Labor Medal Winner" studio and the Public Pedagogy Teaching and Research Office jointly held a collective lesson preparation meeting on the course ‘Foundation of Education’ in Room 403 of Tianjiabing Education Building. Professor Tian Youyi presided over the meeting, and associate professors Tang Bin, Lu Xu, Guo Qingyang, Xiong Chun, Zhang Tianyi, Luo Ruguo, Sun Yinguang, Dr Bai Yingying, Wang Jian, Director of the Office of Foreign Cooperation and the Graduate Education Center for Education Majors, etc. attended the meeting.

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