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The summer social practice team of our college has successfully completed various practical tasks, with the theme of ' Strong Country has Me, Youth has Promise '

Aauthor: Tue, Sep 5 2023 08:37 PM Click:[] Editor: [王海榕]

During the summer holiday in 2023, our School organized a social practice activity called "Strong Country Has Me, Youth Has Promise", with 100 undergraduate students entering the grassroots, understanding the national conditions, honing their skills, and contributing their wisdom. The four teams of the "Ten Years of Ten Thousand Families" went to Chongyang, Yuan'an, Xian'an, and Xiangyang in Hubei Province to carry out rural education research and party building themed education; The "Rainbow Action" two teams went to Xiangyang and Ezhou, Hubei to carry out activities to care for and care for left behind migrant children; The four teams of "Young Eagle Practice" have been dispatched to designated kindergartens, primary schools, communities, and beautiful homes in Wuhan, Hubei Province to carry out course lectures, summer care, and rehabilitation training activities, successfully completing various practical tasks.

Pre:Our faculty members and students went to Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and Japan to carry out research and learning exchange activities.

Next:Our School’s teacher representatives participated in the “Fourth Academic Salon of Education Scholars after the 1980s”

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