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A unified drafting meeting about Important Essays on Education Series by Xi Jinping was organized by the School of Education

Aauthor: Tue, Sep 5 2023 08:00 AM Click:[] Editor: [王海榕]

On July 16th, a unified drafting meeting about Important Essays on Education Series by Xi Jinping organized by Central China Normal University and undertaken by the School of Education and the National Institute of Education Governance of Central China Normal University was held in Room 901 of Tianjiabing Education Building. Xu Qingsen, Director of the Social Science Department of the Ministry of Education, Peng Nanshang, Vice President of Central China Normal University, Zhou Hongyu, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Education and President of the National Institute of Education Governance of Central China Normal University, and experts and scholars from sister universities, Representatives from relevant colleges and departments of Central China Normal University, and doctoral students, attended the meeting.

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