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Deploying Unified Textbook to Forge the Community Consciousness of the Chinese Nation: Value, Principle and Path

Aauthor: Mon, May 1 2023 09:06 PM Click:[] Editor: [黄韵晨]
Xu Fenghua, Yan Lingnan

Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method. 2023,43(05)

As centralized embodiment of national will, unified textbook is spiritual national defense that carries fine traditional Chinese culture, embodies Chinese style, and continues Chinese value. Deploying unified textbook to forge the community consciousness of the Chinese nation is important to implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue with education, highlight characteristics of the Chinese nation, and cultivate the identity of the community. In the new era, to forge the consciousness, it is necessary to develop textbook with Chinese characteristics, nurture the root and soul of the nation and acquire knowledge and expand wisdom, select knowledge to forge the consciousness with "Five Identities" as the core, and focus on new technology to revitalize relevant factors in textbook. We should also pay attention to and strengthen the connection between unified textbook of various subjects and strengthen its connection with other textbooks, so as to maximize the educational value of unified textbook.

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