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A delegation led by the Education Quality Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education came to our School for research

Aauthor: Tue, Jul 18 2023 08:13 PM Click:[] Editor: [黄韵晨]

On 13th July, a delegation led by Zhang Huiwu, Deputy Director of the Education Quality Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education, Li Yan, Director of the Basic Education Department, and Li Ziyin, a cadre, visited our School to research the quality evaluation of ordinary high school education. Professor Lei Wanpeng, Dean of the Graduate School and School of Education of Central China Normal University, Professor Tian Peng, Associate Professor Qian Jia, and members of the research group attended the meeting. The symposium was held in the lecture hall of Room 901 of the Tian Jiabing Education Building and was chaired by Tian Peng.

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