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Evolution and Reflection of Rural Teachers' Support Policies from the Perspective of Policy Tools

Aauthor: Mon, Jan 16 2023 08:06 PM Click:[] Editor: [赵梓名]

Chen Rong Lei Wanpeng Li Qingyu Ren Dongdong

Education Research Monthly. 2023, (01)

The optimization of rural teacher support policy determines the quality of rural education. From the perspective of policy tools, this study uses Nvivo22 qualitative analysis software to analyze 36 rural teacher support policies issued in year 2006-2022 from the perspective of tool types, policy objectives and time dimensions. The research found that since the promulgation of targeted rural teacher support policy, the government has comprehensively used five policy tools to comprehensively improve the level of rural teacher team construction, forming a stage of evolution of rural teacher support policy with Chinese characteristics. Entering the new stage of rural revitalization, under the background of educational equity and high-quality development, to avoid the new difficulties brought by modernity, the author puts forward suggestions: the formulation and implementation of rural teacher policies should firmly adhere to the fair value, coordinate the allocation of policy tools, establish a modern coordination mechanism, build a model of teacher empowerment and empowerment, improve the scientific evaluation system, and effectively improve the quality of rural teachers.

Pre:A delegation led by the Education Quality Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education came to our School for research

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