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"Professor Carey Jewitt from University College London Visits School of Education for Exchange and Collaboration"

Aauthor: Mon, Nov 27 2023 08:23 PM Click:[] Editor: [赵梓名]

On November 27th, Professor Carey Jewitt from the Institute of Education, University College London, visited our school for an exchange visit. The meeting was held in Room 909 of the Tian Jiabing Education school, with participation from Ruanshao and Zhang Zhixun, Project Coordinators from the International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Central China Normal University, Lei Jianghua, the Deputy Dean of the School of Education, Cheng Hongyan, the Head of the School of Education, Luo Zubieng, the Director of the Institute of Curriculum and Teaching Research, Xu Tianxi, the Head of the School of Special Education, and other faculty representatives. The meeting was chaired by Xu Tianxi.

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