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Faculty and Students from School of Education Attend the 2023 Annual Academic Conference of the Hubei Provincial Education Society's Primary Education Committee"

Aauthor: Sun, Nov 26 2023 08:26 PM Click:[] Editor: [赵梓名]

From November 24th to 25th, the 2023 annual conference of the Hubei Provincial Education Society's Primary Education Committee, organized by the Committee and hosted by Huanggang Normal University, was held in Huanggang. Professor Tian Youyi and Associate Professor Wu Yuanyue from School of Education attended the meeting. During this annual conference, the Primary Education Committee held elections for its new term. Professor Tian Youyi was elected as the Vice Chairman of the Second Executive Council of the Hubei Provincial Education Society's Primary Education Committee, and Associate Professor Wu Yuanyue was elected as the Deputy Director of the Academic Committee.

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